
Lighthouse project for automated passenger transport

Urban areas are becoming increasingly densely populated and the populated area is growing beyond its original boundaries. This has implications for the public transport of tomorrow, which must ensure mobility in the inner cities on the one hand and connect the suburbs with the city centres on the other. One approach is offered by a fully automated, driverless transport system that IAV has developed together with various partners from industry and research as part of the OTS 1.0 research project based on electric vehicles.

As an external partner, Poschwatta Automotive developed the interior and lighting concept for the vehicle and was responsible for the overall design. We are particularly proud of the fact that some of the vehicles were used as autonomous shuttles by Hamburger Hochbahn GmbH in Hamburg’s HafenCity. This is also where the vehicle was given its final name Heat: “Hamburg Electric Autonomous Transportation”. For this application, the operator’s wishes for the exterior colour scheme were implemented and Poschwatta Automotive designed a new colour concept for the interior, taking into account the CI specifications of Hamburger Hochbahn.