Clean Logistics

Zero Emission Truck

“Yes to no emission” – that’s the motto of Clean Logistics!

And Clean Logistics uses hydrogen engines!

Driven by this principle, Clean Logistics is developing electric and hydrogen engines and can convert trucks and buses accordingly on request. In addition, Clean Logistics will be making and selling its own vehicles in the future. Thus, on June 23, 2022, the first Zero Emission Truck was unveiled. At the same time, there was a brand relaunch with a new CI and website. The truck still uses an existing platform for the latest technology developed by Clean Logistics. But that, too, is set to change in the future. Poschwatta Automotive therefore drew up a truck study for Clean Logistics, in order to give expression to the vision of an emissions-free future.

We hope very much that we will soon be able to present a completely new Clean Logistics truck here!